Friday, August 22, 2014

NAACP Doesn’t Care If Dorian Johnson Lied About Mike Brown Attack

by Dr. Fred
Truth? What is truth?
Truth? What is truth?

Why allow the truth to actually stop your agenda? Dorian Johnson lied, according to The Viper radio station, but it would appear that no one cares, especially the NAACP.

Johnson himself has a problematic past where he has crossed paths with the police and the court system. In 2011, "Johnson was charged with a misdemeanor after giving police a false first name after he was arrested on suspicion of theft. He later pleaded guilty."

By giving a false name to police (and also telling them he was only 16 when he was actually 19), means that Dorian Johnson lied to them. Now it turns out that he may also have deliberately lied about the incident in which Mike Brown lost his life.
Adolphus Pruitt, president of the St. Louis NAACP chapter, which has been encouraging witnesses to come forward, said Johnson’s false report case “doesn’t concern me.”
Sure, why would it? Obviously, Pruitt isn't interested in truth. He's simply interested in his own agenda. This is part of the false narrative that continues to prop up the notion that whites are going after blacks at unprecedented levels here in America.

Of course, what folks like Pruitt (and many others within the liberal arena, including the news media) fail to admit is that there is more black on black crime happening in places like Chicago and Oakland than anything. In fact, there are too many weekly instances of black on white crimes occurring throughout America, but when these situations are reported, the media prefers to leave out things like the race of the individual perpetrators involved. However, if the perpetrator is white and has committed a crime against a black person, the media has no difficulty in announcing the race of those involved.

Dorian Johnson lied and few seem to care.

As I have said before, it is becoming more clear that someone is trying to paint a picture of America that is completely inaccurate. The desired outcome is to show that South African-like "apartheid" exists in America and something needs to be done about it. That may involve the United Nations.
I've already written two articles on this subject and I continue to emphasize it because I believe it is that important. You can read those articles here and here.

If it is true that things are being prepped to allow the UN to come into America, remove some of our sovereignty by being forced into deferring to the UN's guidelines and mandates, then we can only conclude that we are moving toward a time when all of America will come under the auspices of the UN's authority.

It is very clear that even if/when the truth comes out that exonerates Officer Wilson (if that is the case), few from the black and liberal communities will hear it. They will simply argue that there is enough "police brutality against people of color" and "white on black crime" in America that needs attention.

Those who stand up to oppose such idiocy will be shouted down, ridiculed, castigated, and ostracized by the rest. This is all the reactionary stance of people who are steeped in political correctness (Cultural Marxism). Political Correctness turns on emotional virtue. It has nothing to do with absolute truth, but the way people can be made to feel.

Years ago, people were more willing and able to use critical thinking skills. Since that time, the schools have done whatever possible to eradicate that from young people's arsenals. Those in leadership do not want people to think critically. They want the population to be moved by emotion, not rational thinking.
This is exactly what we have today in many parts of America's black communities. They have been taught for so long that they are powder kegs ready to go off that it is expected that they respond by looting, rioting, and worse when a situation occurs like the one with Mike Brown.

Eventually, it will get so bad in pockets of America that the UN will be "forced" to enter the picture and direct things. Once that happens, we will begin to see a greater push to eliminate the 2nd Amendment and the 1st. The focus will be on "healing" that needs to occur in America and this can best be done - we will be told - by putting away our weapons and watching what we say. That's the start of it.

Eventually, the UN will be granted more and more authority over America and it's all because race-baiters have been working hard as liars and provocateurs throughout America's black communities. It's terribly tragic but this is the liberal agenda and it's been working very well for them.

The only problem of course is that one day, people will wake up to realize everything they've been told about the coming Utopian enterprise is all a lie. By then, it'll be way too late. The time for action is now.

(This article has been reblogged from For Truth's Sake!)

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