Friday, October 17, 2014

Blacks voting for their own Oppressors...By David R

Democrats truly have no shame when they are competing for political power. When it comes to ensuring they will win an election, they will sink to whatever low is necessary to do so. After all, it is the Alinsky way; and when it comes to shameless race baiting, liberal Democrats follow the method to a tee. They do it so well that one could argue that they have convinced blacks to vote for their oppressors.
It’s hard to imagine that any democrat would sink to the level they just did. Especially when you consider how low they have recently sunk concerning other issues like Ebola; where democrats blame the GOP because of “budget cuts,” and Sharia Law; where Maxine Waters accuses us of being bigots if we oppose it.  You can rest assure that there is a Democrat out there somewhere, who is ready and willing to set a new standard; and it has just been met.
Amidst the rising racial tensions in Ferguson Missouri, Democrats are attempting to convince black voters that failing to vote the Democrat ticket will only lead to more blacks being shot by white cops.
Do you see what was meant by a “new standard?” This is despicable, even for the Democrats. 
The problem is that black people are being shot by police not because white cops are racist, but because of the failed governing policies of the Democrat Party, and their push for utopianism. Democrats are in a desperate race to hide the truth of their abysmal failure. Black unemployment is far worse under Obama than it was under Bush because of the massive over regulation of the economy. Business owners and other “wealth producers” are being squeezed of everything they have and as a result, they have no money to invest.
Of course, if you understand Obama and the Alinsky way, you would realize that this is part of the community organizing method of keeping blacks down in order to rally them to your cause.
Blacks are being oppressed by the very party they keep voting for in an effort to get them to blame the country, to blame “white privileged America.”  
Blacks are suffering today because of the failed policies of the “Great Society” and the “war on poverty.” Democrat politicians have convinced blacks that they don’t have to work and that they don’t have to be responsible. Honestly, throughout most of American history it was the Republican party fighting for black Americans while it was the Democrats seeking to keep them oppressed. Truthfully, the Democrats have kept them oppressed through massive welfare spending, and programs like affirmative action, that do more to destroy initiative than motivate young black men.
Over the past half a century or more, over 22 trillion dollars has been spent on welfare and other means tested government programs, only to see poverty at the same rate today, as it was when the war on poverty began. This represents the true failure of socialist policies, because socialism does nothing but drain a nation of its resources while simultaneously destroying the self worth of its people.
The real problem rests in the fact that we have let generations of “academic eggheads” redefine terms like racism and discrimination. These words no longer have any meaning in our society because their true meaning has been diluted with ridiculous theories based on nonsense.
The word racism has come to represent a false ideology where actually believing people of color can achieve something without the help of the liberal Democrats is racist. Empowering the poor blacks in America now means encouraging them to riot against a system that supposedly oppresses them, in an effort to take their focus off their real oppressors, to the point where they are being shot by white police. In true Alinsky fashion, the Democrats use this to keep the cycle going. When will they see this for themselves?

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blacks being taught that Islam is their Original Religion
Posted on October 3, 2014 by David R

In my last article, White Privilege, White Slave, I highlighted the truth about slavery in America and the fact that white Europeans, not blacks from Africa, were the first slaves on the shore of the new world. This is not to say that the African continent  had not be raided for slaves through the centuries, its just that white Europeans were not the ones doing it. The truth is that Muslims had conquered the African shores as early as the seventh century. This same author, who calls himself “Wrath,” from the “Godless and Black” blog also writes that the religion of Islam was spread through Africa because African chieftains were bribed into accepting it in order to gain political favor from the Muslims raiding their countries. Muslims had been taking African slaves for nearly eight centuries before the transatlantic slave trade, and this continued for nearly one hundred years after America had abolished the practice. Finally, while we see the left accuse America of being a racist country because of our past with slavery, they idolize Islam even though African slavery was legal in Saudi Arabia until 1962.

The hypocrisy of the left is truly astounding. In order to accomplish their agenda they ignore the real atrocities occurring in the world in order to propagate the illusion that America is responsible for all evil. Blacks are still held as slaves and considered property in many Islamic countries today, and yet, Islam has a special place in the hearts and minds of the left as they portray them as oppressed victims. This is truly unbelievable.
This proves that there is a great deal of validity in Janna B’s latest article as she highlights David Quammen’s attitude that we are responsible for African Ebola victims because of white privilege. Hopefully, the information I provided in this, as well as my last article proves how idiotic the left can really be. Anyhow, I digress because I have to move on to my main point.

There seems to be an effort on the part of Muslim terrorists in America to recruit blacks into their religion. As I demonstrated at the beginning of the article, Islam has a long history of oppressing blacks and conquering African lands. As a result, many have come to believe that Islam is the original religion of blacks, and as such, Muslims are using this false information to recruit them.

While “Wrath” at the “Godless and Black” blog may be an atheist, the purpose of his article was to dispel the myth that Islam is the original religion of African blacks. In fact, he goes onto suggest that if the Arabs had never visited the African Shores there would be no black Muslims today.

Whether or not this is true I don’t know, however; one thing is for certain, blacks in America, many of whom were once Christians, are converting to Islam. Given the state of racial relations in America, and the insistence of the left to constantly accuse this nation of being racist, this is alarming. After All, there was virtually no noise concerning the fact that a black Muslim convert beheaded a white woman in Oklahoma. Its funny because this one link is the only one I can find that identifies the victim as being white.
I have been convinced for a long time that the teaching of white privilege would lead to the exact type of racial violence we are witnessing in America today. What should be alarming people is the illusion of white privilege and the lies of whites intentionally keeping blacks down. These are the very reasons blacks are converting to Islam, and these are the reasons there is such a rise in black mob violence.

One of the first issues I became aware of was the fact that many converts feel uncomfortable with the term “black Muslim”, as they regard themselves as part of a worldwide community of believers who do not recognize “race”. However, others are less reticent about associating their blackness with being a Muslim, and believe that Islam is the “natural religion of black people” and provides the means for full “spiritual, mental and physical liberation” from an oppressive system designed to subjugate them.
My research reveals that there is no one, straightforward reason for conversions, but a plethora of theological, emotional and cultural motivations. Practically all those interviewed suggested that Islam had given their lives meaning and woken them from a spiritual malaise. Others said that their faith provided inspiration and strength to engage with a society they regarded as corrupted by materialism and moral relativism. And for those whose lives had previously been errant, Islam’s decisiveness on a range of religious and socio-cultural matters had given them a focus and an anchor.

This is truly frightening in the sense that not only are blacks being taught by their own countrymen that they are oppressed by white men, they are now turning to Islam, a brutal, murderous ideology, as a means of seeking inner peace and justice.
You see, in the absence of truth and in the absence of God, evil has a chance to advance forward. For decades, since the creation of the “Great Society” by Lyndon Johnson, blacks have been oppressed by white men; namely, white democrats who believe that the black man is not as good as the white man. They created a system where the black man lost control of his family, his initiative was destroyed and dependence upon government became the only way to survive. In any given city across America this is proven by looking at which political party has governed the impoverished black neighborhoods. ad, but who will listen? Blacks have been conditioned to believe that Democrats care about them and Republicans are the racists. Well, blacks have been voting democrat for years and now they feel the need to convert to Islam because Democrat policies have been so successful?

America, if you can’t see that there is a deeper, darker agenda here than you are blind.