Saturday, November 15, 2014

Demoralizing America

Over the past several decades we have witnessed a dramatic left turn in American politics. This sharp turn towards the totalitarian mindset certainly did not begin with Barack Obama, rather he seems to the final piece of the puzzle. As he said himself, “He is the one we have been waiting for.” While this seems like an egotistical, narcissistic statement to be made by a president, there is some truth to it. The Obama presidency is the final stage in the psychopolitical attack against America which has been designed to demoralize and destabilize the nation. Americans, through educational indoctrination, have been taught through and through to want communism and despise their own culture. Through techniques like “critical thinking,” and “emotional virtue,” American students have been conditioned to challenge their own values and criticize the very culture in which they live, and when they have been thoroughly “demoralized” they are rebuilt in the communist mold.
The communists believe that it takes 15/20 years to thoroughly demoralize a nation. That’s funny because that is roughly the amount of time needed to educate a person from kindergarten through college. While education in this country was, at one time, designed to educate independant minded people who were capable of being problem solvers, and who understood the fundamentals of liberty; it is now based on behavior modification techniques designed to force conformity and change perceptions of reality. From EX-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov-
 It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of [their] enemy. In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least 3 generation of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism; American patriotism.
This Marxist/Leninist ideology is a Godless system that derives much of its belief from Darwinism; in other words, the communists believe we are no different than any other animal and that we have no special, or divine right to existence. We are just accidents. This is part of the demoralization process. Once this premise for existence is accepted by the masses they move on to more personable things, like “White Privilege,” and the blaming of America for the world’s problems. In other words, they teach your children that they are what is wrong with the world, and they have to give up their rights in order to make things fair.This was easy to accomplish once the Christian religion was legally removed from the schools fifty four years ago.With no real basis of morality, there is no real basis from which to seek the truth and argue for it. From the forty five goals of the communist takeover, entered into the congressional record in 1963-
Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.
Most of what we are witnessing in this nation, including what I have been discussing thus far, actually comes from a little known document called The Communist Peace Offensive: A Campaign to Disarm and Defeat The United States. The name of the game is to defeat the U.S. through psychological manipulation; as Nikita Khrushchev said-
“We will bury you without firing a shot”
Well, he was right America because we are on our knees facing the death of our culture because of psychological propaganda, Skinnerian/Pavlovian conditioning and Ideological Subversion. As I mentioned in my last article concerning the “Architect” videos, one of the goals is to make it virtually impossible for people to be informed enough to take a stand. The destruction of truth and morality is essential-
In the language of the KGB—or ‘psychological warfare.’ What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.”—
Sadly, many Americans have no clue just how deep this subversion runs in our country. A false version of history has been written in many instances and in some cases, famous actors turned president were used to give the illusion that communism had died. Don’t hate me folks, I’m just the messenger. The man that most of us recognize as being the greatest conservative president we have ever had, the man that most believe single handedly defeated communism, may be the most responsible for the current state of our nation today. Ronald Reagan, according to whistleblower Charlotte Iserbyt, signed agreements with the Soviet Union that enabled them to influence our educational system in order to push towards global government in the name of world peace. Ronald Reagan wasn’t the first, Dwight Eisenhower signed the first agreements and every president thereafter kept the agreements going. This is the truth that the government is hiding from you.
The only way we will our nation back is either through the same techniques they used to destroy it, counterbalancing their lies with truth, or through fighting for it. Regardless of what anyone thinks we are at the precipice and there is going to be more crisis that will continue to push us down this path. Crisis after all, is part of the design.
I pray to God that I’m just another crazy man wearing a tinfoil hat, but I think you know that I am right about this.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Blacks voting for their own Oppressors...By David R

Democrats truly have no shame when they are competing for political power. When it comes to ensuring they will win an election, they will sink to whatever low is necessary to do so. After all, it is the Alinsky way; and when it comes to shameless race baiting, liberal Democrats follow the method to a tee. They do it so well that one could argue that they have convinced blacks to vote for their oppressors.
It’s hard to imagine that any democrat would sink to the level they just did. Especially when you consider how low they have recently sunk concerning other issues like Ebola; where democrats blame the GOP because of “budget cuts,” and Sharia Law; where Maxine Waters accuses us of being bigots if we oppose it.  You can rest assure that there is a Democrat out there somewhere, who is ready and willing to set a new standard; and it has just been met.
Amidst the rising racial tensions in Ferguson Missouri, Democrats are attempting to convince black voters that failing to vote the Democrat ticket will only lead to more blacks being shot by white cops.
Do you see what was meant by a “new standard?” This is despicable, even for the Democrats. 
The problem is that black people are being shot by police not because white cops are racist, but because of the failed governing policies of the Democrat Party, and their push for utopianism. Democrats are in a desperate race to hide the truth of their abysmal failure. Black unemployment is far worse under Obama than it was under Bush because of the massive over regulation of the economy. Business owners and other “wealth producers” are being squeezed of everything they have and as a result, they have no money to invest.
Of course, if you understand Obama and the Alinsky way, you would realize that this is part of the community organizing method of keeping blacks down in order to rally them to your cause.
Blacks are being oppressed by the very party they keep voting for in an effort to get them to blame the country, to blame “white privileged America.”  
Blacks are suffering today because of the failed policies of the “Great Society” and the “war on poverty.” Democrat politicians have convinced blacks that they don’t have to work and that they don’t have to be responsible. Honestly, throughout most of American history it was the Republican party fighting for black Americans while it was the Democrats seeking to keep them oppressed. Truthfully, the Democrats have kept them oppressed through massive welfare spending, and programs like affirmative action, that do more to destroy initiative than motivate young black men.
Over the past half a century or more, over 22 trillion dollars has been spent on welfare and other means tested government programs, only to see poverty at the same rate today, as it was when the war on poverty began. This represents the true failure of socialist policies, because socialism does nothing but drain a nation of its resources while simultaneously destroying the self worth of its people.
The real problem rests in the fact that we have let generations of “academic eggheads” redefine terms like racism and discrimination. These words no longer have any meaning in our society because their true meaning has been diluted with ridiculous theories based on nonsense.
The word racism has come to represent a false ideology where actually believing people of color can achieve something without the help of the liberal Democrats is racist. Empowering the poor blacks in America now means encouraging them to riot against a system that supposedly oppresses them, in an effort to take their focus off their real oppressors, to the point where they are being shot by white police. In true Alinsky fashion, the Democrats use this to keep the cycle going. When will they see this for themselves?

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blacks being taught that Islam is their Original Religion
Posted on October 3, 2014 by David R

In my last article, White Privilege, White Slave, I highlighted the truth about slavery in America and the fact that white Europeans, not blacks from Africa, were the first slaves on the shore of the new world. This is not to say that the African continent  had not be raided for slaves through the centuries, its just that white Europeans were not the ones doing it. The truth is that Muslims had conquered the African shores as early as the seventh century. This same author, who calls himself “Wrath,” from the “Godless and Black” blog also writes that the religion of Islam was spread through Africa because African chieftains were bribed into accepting it in order to gain political favor from the Muslims raiding their countries. Muslims had been taking African slaves for nearly eight centuries before the transatlantic slave trade, and this continued for nearly one hundred years after America had abolished the practice. Finally, while we see the left accuse America of being a racist country because of our past with slavery, they idolize Islam even though African slavery was legal in Saudi Arabia until 1962.

The hypocrisy of the left is truly astounding. In order to accomplish their agenda they ignore the real atrocities occurring in the world in order to propagate the illusion that America is responsible for all evil. Blacks are still held as slaves and considered property in many Islamic countries today, and yet, Islam has a special place in the hearts and minds of the left as they portray them as oppressed victims. This is truly unbelievable.
This proves that there is a great deal of validity in Janna B’s latest article as she highlights David Quammen’s attitude that we are responsible for African Ebola victims because of white privilege. Hopefully, the information I provided in this, as well as my last article proves how idiotic the left can really be. Anyhow, I digress because I have to move on to my main point.

There seems to be an effort on the part of Muslim terrorists in America to recruit blacks into their religion. As I demonstrated at the beginning of the article, Islam has a long history of oppressing blacks and conquering African lands. As a result, many have come to believe that Islam is the original religion of blacks, and as such, Muslims are using this false information to recruit them.

While “Wrath” at the “Godless and Black” blog may be an atheist, the purpose of his article was to dispel the myth that Islam is the original religion of African blacks. In fact, he goes onto suggest that if the Arabs had never visited the African Shores there would be no black Muslims today.

Whether or not this is true I don’t know, however; one thing is for certain, blacks in America, many of whom were once Christians, are converting to Islam. Given the state of racial relations in America, and the insistence of the left to constantly accuse this nation of being racist, this is alarming. After All, there was virtually no noise concerning the fact that a black Muslim convert beheaded a white woman in Oklahoma. Its funny because this one link is the only one I can find that identifies the victim as being white.
I have been convinced for a long time that the teaching of white privilege would lead to the exact type of racial violence we are witnessing in America today. What should be alarming people is the illusion of white privilege and the lies of whites intentionally keeping blacks down. These are the very reasons blacks are converting to Islam, and these are the reasons there is such a rise in black mob violence.

One of the first issues I became aware of was the fact that many converts feel uncomfortable with the term “black Muslim”, as they regard themselves as part of a worldwide community of believers who do not recognize “race”. However, others are less reticent about associating their blackness with being a Muslim, and believe that Islam is the “natural religion of black people” and provides the means for full “spiritual, mental and physical liberation” from an oppressive system designed to subjugate them.
My research reveals that there is no one, straightforward reason for conversions, but a plethora of theological, emotional and cultural motivations. Practically all those interviewed suggested that Islam had given their lives meaning and woken them from a spiritual malaise. Others said that their faith provided inspiration and strength to engage with a society they regarded as corrupted by materialism and moral relativism. And for those whose lives had previously been errant, Islam’s decisiveness on a range of religious and socio-cultural matters had given them a focus and an anchor.

This is truly frightening in the sense that not only are blacks being taught by their own countrymen that they are oppressed by white men, they are now turning to Islam, a brutal, murderous ideology, as a means of seeking inner peace and justice.
You see, in the absence of truth and in the absence of God, evil has a chance to advance forward. For decades, since the creation of the “Great Society” by Lyndon Johnson, blacks have been oppressed by white men; namely, white democrats who believe that the black man is not as good as the white man. They created a system where the black man lost control of his family, his initiative was destroyed and dependence upon government became the only way to survive. In any given city across America this is proven by looking at which political party has governed the impoverished black neighborhoods. ad, but who will listen? Blacks have been conditioned to believe that Democrats care about them and Republicans are the racists. Well, blacks have been voting democrat for years and now they feel the need to convert to Islam because Democrat policies have been so successful?

America, if you can’t see that there is a deeper, darker agenda here than you are blind.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

While Americans Remain Asleep at the Wheel Government Comes for Our Guns....David R

America, I am at a loss of words here. I have reached a point where I really don’t know what to say anymore. Some of you may be thinking that this is a good thing. I’ve certainly had my share of trolls trying to discredit my writing but nonetheless, I continue to drive on. I am bothered by how complacent we as a country have become. The vast majority of us seem to be lost in a daze as we drift closer and closer to once again, repeating history. We ignore reality as we indulge ourselves in entertainment that for all practical purposes, has been put there for the explicit purpose of keeping us distracted.  What makes the situation even more pathetic is each and every one of us is walking around with a virtual brain that connects to any information one would like to research in our pockets, yet we seem to be living among some of the dumbest people who ever existed. Such is the way I suppose. This is what it looks like when Americans remain asleep at the wheel.

There is one issue in particular that I feel should be a concern to all Americans, particularly now as we face some of the most serious threats we have faced in a long time, and that issue is gun control and the second amendment. We have lived free from invasion in this country because we have the most armed citizenry the world has known and despite what the left would have you believe, most of us are good, honest, hard-working people. Doesn’t anyone else wonder why the left seeks to disarm Americans, while ISIS is threatening to do to us what they have done to the Christians overseas? There is a virtual genocide occurring against Christians while ISIS terrorists are threatening us at home, and all the left can keep ranting about is how we should not be able to have guns. I don’t know about the rest of you, but to me this seems a bit treasonous.

Maybe I shouldn’t worry so much about the left and their gun control efforts. After all, groups like Moms Demand Action (MDA) ruin their own credibility as they get kicked out of the very places they try to influence. First, in Tulsa Oklahoma they got kicked out of a Chipotle restaurant while being rude to paying customers who were legally open carrying their side arms. (Those were my friends incidentally.) They were also just kicked out of a Krogers grocery store in Michigan for trying to apply pressure against management for allowing customers to carry in their stores. In recent weeks there was an assault in a Kroger’s parking lot where a law-abiding gun owner was able to defend himself against a criminal with a gun attempting to carjack his car. If Moms Demand Action would have their way, this scenario would be reversed with the gun carrying criminal getting away and the law-abiding citizen being murdered.

What Moms Demand Action fails to understand is that they are viewed not as compassionate women trying to save people from gun violence, but as a left-wing radical group being used to carry out an agenda. They are viewed as traitors as every law or policy they advocate for actually reinforces the criminal’s ability to get away with crime, while limiting an innocent person’s inalienable right to protect themselves.
It isn’t just the groups being employed as useful idiots that are working against us, America. Your government has labeled anyone that goes against Obama’s ideological worldview as being an extremist, or a potential threat to national security. Particularly gun owners and combat veterans. Read Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment and tell me where it mentions any threat of Islamic terrorism. If you happen to be wondering why it lacks such a reference it is because Obama has installed members of the Muslim Brotherhood into our government. If this doesn’t concern you then you are part of the problem.

For years we have allowed ourselves to be beaten down with terms like racism, and Islamophobia out of a fear of being labeled intolerant by a radical left-wing cabal intent on our destruction. You need only look at the events occurring in this country and compare them to events occurring in Britain and France. Muslims have all but taken over these countries and are very hostile towards whites. In America, we have a community organizer in chief who is convincing minorities that they are oppressed by the “white, privileged majority.” The result is an unprecedented rise in black on white violence that is virtually ignored by the media. They also ignore the fact Muslims are already murdering people in our country in the name of Jihad. There is a special place in hell for those who suppress the truth for a political agenda while innocent people are being butchered.

America, it is past time you turn off the football game and American Idol and pay attention to what is happening right under your noses. If we lose this country and the worst happens, it will not be the fault of Barrack Obama or a corrupt congress. It won’t be the fault of Islamofascists or brainwashed liberals. It will be your fault for not wanting to swallow the pill of truth. We were charged with the responsibility of preserving liberty and leaving our children a country that was better than the one we grew up in, and we have failed. We have taken the easy way out when in the back of our minds we knew better. Now we are at the point of no return, nothing less than every single patriotic, liberty-loving American coming together for one cause will save this country. For if the day ever comes where you face what Christians overseas face, it will be because you surrendered your liberty, your rights to self governance, for a false sense of security.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Ultimate Gameplan: Obama Defers to United Nations to Remove America’s Sovereignty

by Dr. Fred
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

President Obama defers to United Nations far too often and that can be easily proven. In one report submitted to the UN, the United States' State Department included Arizona as a state that violates human rights

At the time the report was submitted, the Department of Justice under Eric Holder was in the process of suing Arizona for their immigration laws that were keeping illegal aliens out of that state.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton included the dispute in the report because she thought the U.S. could serve as "a model" to other nations.
In other words, this was intended to embarrass the Governor of Arizona - Jan Brewer - simply because she is a Republican. Do we believe that the same lawsuit would have occurred had the governor been Democrat? At the same time, too many Democrats play fast and loose with American constitutional law and because of that, would have been likely very willing to set aside laws in favor of allowing illegal aliens the "right" to immigrate to the US.

In spite of the fact that according to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, the Federal Government is tasked with stopping "invasions" to our shores from foreign countries, it refuses to uphold that law, leaving it to the individual states to deal with it. But when those states try to deal with it, Holder's DOJ sues to stop them, in essence admitting that it is the Federal Government's responsibility.

In another incident where the UN was given power and authority over America, back during the elections of November 2012, the UN was invited by the Obama administration to monitor US polling stations. Neil Cavuto reported on the situation then.
The group is affiliated with the United Nations. It's called the Organization for Security and Cooperation. And it's been monitoring United States elections for the better part of a decade now, but this time around, liberal activists are coordinating with these guys to watch for any hint of voter suppression by conservatives.
Here, we see that conservatives are seen as the bad guys, the guys who apparently are willing to do anything to keep - in that case - Mr. Obama from being re-elected. This is in spite of the fact that many voter fraud cases have come to the surface since that election took place and nearly all of them were precipitated by Democrats, not Republicans. Some were brazen enough to brag about it on their social network page, as in the case of Jim Turner of Chapel Hill, NC, who bragged he had already voted for Obama five times in one day and would again. Turns out that Mr. Turner is also in charge of voter registration in his area.

While UN reps were busy watching for any problems caused by conservatives, apparently, no one cared about people like Jim Turner. Why is that? Can you guess?

Of course, my recent article on Ferguson, MO also shows that the UN is being deferred to by the Obama Administration. Recall that Mr. Obama also grouped three things together as if they were all illegal, when only two of them were illegal: looting, carrying guns, and attacking the police. Carrying guns in Missouri is not illegal activity and many business owners used them as a show of force to dissuade looters from destroying their businesses. It worked well.

But of course, the UN called for in-depth investigation of the Trayvon Martin shooting as well as doing the same for the Ferguson, MO situation in which an officer - who received a severe eye socket injury from assailant Mike Brown - shot and killed Brown as he apparently rushed toward him.

The UN is using what appear to be racially motivated situations here in America to cite human rights violations. However, they ignore the black on white crime that is so prevalent. The UN is doing the same thing in South Africa where blacks continue to slaughter white farmers (boers). It is a one-sided tragedy used to fulfill a specific agenda where "white privilege" is used to allow racism toward whites to exist.

We also know that China and other countries have called for the elimination of America's 2nd Amendment in spite of their own set of human rights violations. More countries are attempting to give the UN more power and authority over their own national sovereignty and I fully believe the Obama defers to United Nations often and wants nothing more than to be able to give the United States to the UN, which will destroy America's sovereignty.

When that happens, we can kiss the Constitution officially good-bye.

(This article has been reblogged from For Truth's Sake!)

NAACP Doesn’t Care If Dorian Johnson Lied About Mike Brown Attack

by Dr. Fred
Truth? What is truth?
Truth? What is truth?

Why allow the truth to actually stop your agenda? Dorian Johnson lied, according to The Viper radio station, but it would appear that no one cares, especially the NAACP.

Johnson himself has a problematic past where he has crossed paths with the police and the court system. In 2011, "Johnson was charged with a misdemeanor after giving police a false first name after he was arrested on suspicion of theft. He later pleaded guilty."

By giving a false name to police (and also telling them he was only 16 when he was actually 19), means that Dorian Johnson lied to them. Now it turns out that he may also have deliberately lied about the incident in which Mike Brown lost his life.
Adolphus Pruitt, president of the St. Louis NAACP chapter, which has been encouraging witnesses to come forward, said Johnson’s false report case “doesn’t concern me.”
Sure, why would it? Obviously, Pruitt isn't interested in truth. He's simply interested in his own agenda. This is part of the false narrative that continues to prop up the notion that whites are going after blacks at unprecedented levels here in America.

Of course, what folks like Pruitt (and many others within the liberal arena, including the news media) fail to admit is that there is more black on black crime happening in places like Chicago and Oakland than anything. In fact, there are too many weekly instances of black on white crimes occurring throughout America, but when these situations are reported, the media prefers to leave out things like the race of the individual perpetrators involved. However, if the perpetrator is white and has committed a crime against a black person, the media has no difficulty in announcing the race of those involved.

Dorian Johnson lied and few seem to care.

As I have said before, it is becoming more clear that someone is trying to paint a picture of America that is completely inaccurate. The desired outcome is to show that South African-like "apartheid" exists in America and something needs to be done about it. That may involve the United Nations.
I've already written two articles on this subject and I continue to emphasize it because I believe it is that important. You can read those articles here and here.

If it is true that things are being prepped to allow the UN to come into America, remove some of our sovereignty by being forced into deferring to the UN's guidelines and mandates, then we can only conclude that we are moving toward a time when all of America will come under the auspices of the UN's authority.

It is very clear that even if/when the truth comes out that exonerates Officer Wilson (if that is the case), few from the black and liberal communities will hear it. They will simply argue that there is enough "police brutality against people of color" and "white on black crime" in America that needs attention.

Those who stand up to oppose such idiocy will be shouted down, ridiculed, castigated, and ostracized by the rest. This is all the reactionary stance of people who are steeped in political correctness (Cultural Marxism). Political Correctness turns on emotional virtue. It has nothing to do with absolute truth, but the way people can be made to feel.

Years ago, people were more willing and able to use critical thinking skills. Since that time, the schools have done whatever possible to eradicate that from young people's arsenals. Those in leadership do not want people to think critically. They want the population to be moved by emotion, not rational thinking.
This is exactly what we have today in many parts of America's black communities. They have been taught for so long that they are powder kegs ready to go off that it is expected that they respond by looting, rioting, and worse when a situation occurs like the one with Mike Brown.

Eventually, it will get so bad in pockets of America that the UN will be "forced" to enter the picture and direct things. Once that happens, we will begin to see a greater push to eliminate the 2nd Amendment and the 1st. The focus will be on "healing" that needs to occur in America and this can best be done - we will be told - by putting away our weapons and watching what we say. That's the start of it.

Eventually, the UN will be granted more and more authority over America and it's all because race-baiters have been working hard as liars and provocateurs throughout America's black communities. It's terribly tragic but this is the liberal agenda and it's been working very well for them.

The only problem of course is that one day, people will wake up to realize everything they've been told about the coming Utopian enterprise is all a lie. By then, it'll be way too late. The time for action is now.

(This article has been reblogged from For Truth's Sake!)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Should You Buy Gold or Silver in Preparation for the Coming Collapse?

by Dr. Fred
Should you buy gold or silver? I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I firmly believe America is on a one-way, unavoidable path to economic collapse, made completely possible by "progressive" ideologies that have warped the rule of law into something unrecognizable. It may be necessary to buy gold or silver. Of course people are completely free to reject my opinion and we'll simply see what happens over the next few years. It seems unmistakable to me. Though I fully hope that I'm 100% wrong, I doubt it and I did not arrive at this conclusion easily. It was only after a great deal of research from articles and books written by economists and strategists that I came to this conclusion. I also used the Bible as a guide as well, though the Bible does not pinpoint the times necessarily in all things.

For the longest time, I've been hearing that people should buy gold and silver to ensure the security of their lives against this coming collapse. Many people thought to buy gold or silver (or even both), but in my opinion, they may have done it the wrong way. Many (far too many) have purchased gold certificates. Either that or they have purchased a large chunk of gold that is stored somewhere where they really can't reach it, like in Zurich. What good will that be if/when the bottom completely falls out of the American economy?

I would never invest in that type of gold or silver. Even if you actually have it in your possession, how would you go about breaking it into smaller "denominations"? Without a very hot furnace, it's difficult. Isn't it better to have what they call "junk silver" or gold coins?

junksilverWhat is called "junk silver" today is nothing more than the old coins that were minted using mostly pure silver. You remember them from the "olden" days. These coins have a face value (twenty-five cents, fifty cents, etc.), but they also have a silver "spot" value, which constantly fluctuates. As I write this, the spot price of silver is $19.24/oz while the spot price of gold is $1261.00/oz. Both values were higher yesterday.

When I was in 8th grade, I actually recall the spot price of gold being $35.00/oz. It's obviously gone up but numerous people who deal with gold and silver will say that even these spot prices are artificially "fixed," meaning the real value of silver/gold is far greater but the values are being artificially kept low. However, once the American economy collapses (and it will), we will see the true value of silver and gold at that point.

The way it works is very simple. If you buy "junk silver," you will pay the current spot price. If you bought it today, you would pay the $19.24/oz. What that means is you might pay a few thousand dollars for a baggie filled with silver coins. When the economy collapses, you will have - at the very least - the face value of the coins and very possibly, far more in actual worth. However, this will have to be balanced with the price of goods and services at that time as well.

We all know that groceries are not getting any cheaper. In fact, they continue to rise at our local grocery stores every week. It's good to stock up on the things that won't go bad or spoil and it's probably a good idea to have some of those freeze-dried foods in a can as well. Other things like toilet paper, water, and other necessities are worth stocking up on too.

When the economy collapses, how would you be able to use these "junk" silver coins? As one person explained to me, a silver dime (face value = ten cents) might exchange for one loaf of bread. Folks, we are talking about hyper-inflation here and it's not beyond the realm of possibility, especially with the Quantitative Easing that is in place now that will end.

Obviously, when the economy collapses, people will also use a bartering system to get what they need and there's nothing wrong with that. Some individuals already do that now.

What about gold? Are there "junk" gold coins? Yes, there are gold coins, but in no way should they be considered junk. It's an expression. Should you buy a one-ounce gold coin? Personally, I wouldn't. You'd pay nearly $1300 or more for it and how would you break it into smaller denominations? You can't. It's best to buy what are called 1/10th ounce gold coins. Today's price gets you a 1/10th ounce Gold American Eagle coin for around $145.00. That's something you can use as barter because it's in a small enough denomination.

When it comes to buying gold and silver, it's difficult to lose. These are precious metals (not man-made) that will not only never lose value, but will only increase in value. Every home should not only have extra food items, water, toilet paper, and such (even a generator), but should also have a few thousand dollars' worth of silver and gold coins. Do not keep them in a bank! Might as well not have them if you're going to put them in a bank. Find or make a great hiding place in your home or on your property and hide them there.

Folks, it's important to think pragmatically for the coming days. If you were going on an extended camping trip, you would make a list of everything you need, then you would make sure you had it. If you were preparing for a hurricane to come through, you would do everything you could to protect your home and belongings. You would also get additional supplies in case the electricity goes out. This is just common sense.

If you're interested in purchasing gold or silver coins, do not do it over the Internet unless you use a fully reputable company. The best thing to do is find a local dealer but check him/her out thoroughly before you buy.

I was talking to one dealer who told me a good friend of his thought he found a deal on eBay for a silver bar. He bought it, it arrived and he brought it in to show the coin dealer. The coin dealer gold me that as soon as he picked it up he knew it was fake. The weight just wasn't there. He then scraped off a corner guessed it...paint. It was a metal bar that had been beautifully painted and packaged in a beautiful display case.

In these times, there are plenty of people who are ready to take advantage of you. Do your homework. Do not buy gold certificates. While the paper may represent real gold, good luck obtaining the actual gold when the economy fails. Do not buy over the Internet except from very reputable dealers. Buy locally when/if you can. Buy junk silver or gold coins in small denominations.

If the economy never collapses, then simply pass the silver and gold coins onto relatives or children in your will. They'll appreciate it. But do make preparations. Don't forget other necessities you may need - food, water, toilet paper, a generator, gasoline, candles, batteries, etc. Plan for the worst and hope for the best and you'll never be wrong or taken by surprise.

(This article has been reblogged from For Truth's Sake!)